PSHE, RSE and Careers


At Three Bridges Education our PSHE curriculum is designed with the specific individual needs of our learners in mind and is reflective of our purpose; to enable every learner to discover and explore their abilities and transition into future opportunities with the confidence and resilience needed for lifelong success. Our mission; to provide an inspirational, creative and challenging education which meets the needs of all learners in a safe and nurturing environment. Our vision; to empower learners to celebrate their individuality, build meaningful relationships, through bespoke learning opportunities, for a bright future. Our values; to deliver high quality special education provision with responsibility and integrity, equity and respect.

We prioritise the promotion of the young people’s personal and social development, we equip them with the tools to understand how to stay safe and healthy and help them to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way. Through the precision teaching of PSHE, skills are developed that our learners need in order for them to grow and flourish as individuals and members of society.

We support our learners to understand and build on their personal identities, confidence and self-esteem.

Our learners are encouraged to respect others, with particular regard to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010. Learners study a variety of topics, which develop necessary skills and attributes, including, self-esteem, resilience, risk management and teamwork.

At Three Bridges Education, we understand that PSHE lessons need to be fluid when dealing with topical situations in the lives of our learners, and current affairs that may affect them. We provide 1:1 emotional health and wellbeing sessions weekly as well as interventions, according to individual need. Our PSHE lessons educate learners about specific topics to help them understand the importance of appropriate behaviour and being kind. We actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

Our PSHE curriculum is planned around topics of:

  • Self-Awareness and self-regulation
  • Self-Care, Support and Safety- including finances
  • Managing Feelings – including mental, emotional and psychical health
  • On-line safety
  • Healthy lifestyles
  • The World I Live In


Here at Three Bridges Education, good relationships are fundamental to our ethos. Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is lifelong learning about relationships, emotions, consent, looking after ourselves, different families, sex, sexuality and sexual health. It involves acquiring information, developing skills and forming positive beliefs, values and attitudes. RSE has a key part to play in the personal, social, moral and spiritual development of young people.

We always consult with learners, parents/carers, and staff when we review our RSE policy. We ensure that parents/ carers are fully informed on our RSE curriculum.

We tailor our support both in group and individual teaching. Our emotional health and well being programme of study supports the whole of the RSE curriculum. This helps our learners to understand how to have a healthy relationships, and to understand appropriateness and consent.

Our RSE curriculum is planned around topics including:

  • Families
  • Respectful relationships including friendships
  • Consent
  • Puberty
  • Self-awareness
  • Online and Media
  • Being Safe

Intimate and sexual relationships, including sexual health

Careers & Post 16

At Three Bridges Education we have an extensive Careers programme that is individualised for each young person so we can assist them to make career choices, understand and manage their finances, and what influences their decision-making processes. We provide the opportunity for all our learners to experience the world of work with guest speakers and community-based projects as well as external careers’ advice.

Careers education, information, advice and guidance is a priority for ensuring learners move forward with the right tools and attitude to help prepare them for their future. Our varied and inclusive curriculum supports learners to consider their future options, realise their potential, be able to identify their skills, and transfer them to further education and the job market.

We prepare learners, and liaise with parents and carers, for their preferred Post 16 pathway, whether that is to continue with further education, training or employment. We are fully committed to our statutory and moral obligation to provide a structured, varied and personalised careers education to all Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 learners.

Our Year 11 learners have a range of opportunities for their Post 16 options, which includes, to continue their education, move on to local colleges or take apprenticeships.

Our careers curriculum is planned as per the guidance provided by the Gatsby Benchmark and DfE Guidance. Our objectives are:

  • To deliver well planned, structured and accessible careers lessons to all learners.
  • To ensure learners are able to identify and be proud of their individual skills.
  • To ensure that all learners understand the range of career routes open to them.
  • To ensure that learners research and understand the range of courses and academic choices available to them.
  • To help learners develop competencies to be able to transfer their knowledge and skills and be resilient and adaptable within changing sectors and economies.
  • To work with parents at the start of Year 11 to follow a structured timeline of events of Post 16 transition to ensure that all leavers have a planned progression route.

We are committed to reducing the number of 13–19-year-olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEETs) by ensuring these objectives are met.

Post 16 Transition Timeline

At Three Bridges Education we are committed to ensuring that Year 11 learners move on to the appropriate Post 16 environment, be that: college, apprenticeship or training. Our robust Post 16 transition timeline means we continuously communicate with learners, parents and carers to ensure a smooth transition into an appropriate environment. This is underpinned by our Careers lessons which are written according to the guidance of the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks. We aim to ensure that no learner becomes NEET.

Term Action
Autumn 1 Contact parents to discuss Post 16 options. Share predicted grades so learners can make informed choices on next steps.
Autumn 1 Inform Careers southwest of what the intentions are for our year 11 learners.
Autumn 2 Learners to have filled out Record of Interest Post 16 form during careers lessons, these should be shared with parents/carers.
Autumn 2 Calls to parents/carers to attend local open events.
Autumn 2 Annual Reviews to be completed by SENCo including information of Post 16 choice
Autumn 2 Record initial intended destination of learners. Provide further guidance to learners who are unsure of choice through careers lessons.
Spring 1 Examination entries to be done

Examinations request for special circumstances to be arranged.

Predicted grades to be shared with parents in case it impacts Post 16 choices.

Spring 2 Public examination timetable released. Exams Office to share individual timetables with learners.

Agree with parents/carers if learners can leave after individual examination

Start to plan end of term arrangements including hoodies/leaving assembly.

Summer 1 Data Consent forms sent out, logged and communicated to local authority.

Public examinations to be sat.

Summer 1/Summer 2 Transition support offered to those who need to visit new Post 16 education/training.

End of term arrangements to commence.