SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) at Three Bridges School
Three Bridges School values the contribution that every learner makes and welcomes a diversity of culture, religion and intellect. We are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our learners whatever their needs and abilities.
The school seeks to raise the levels of attainment, remove barriers to learning, and increase physical and curricular access to all. All learners are valued, respected and treated as equal members of the school. As such, provision for learners with SEND is a matter for the school as a whole.
All learners have an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Teachers review these IEPs on a regular basis to monitor and evaluate the impact of the provision on learners, and these plans are updated termly. This ensures we are able to deliver effective assessment and diagnostic screening to identify any particular difficulties and/or weaknesses which may be preventing learners from making good progress and implement the appropriate support.
We work closely and collaboratively with parents and carers, ensuring consistent and ongoing discussions take place, as we understand the essential role this plays in every aspect of our special educational needs provision.
Differentiated subject work, support programmes and assignments are implemented according to each learner’s needs and are delivered in the context of Quality First Teaching (QFT), by our committed team of teachers, and support staff. Our staff have access to continuous training and development opportunities in current special needs concerns to ensure they are always working with the most up to date special needs theory and practice.
We work with a number of professionals including Speech and Language Therapists and counsellors, and provide support targeted at enabling learners to have access to the whole curriculum.
Our teachers complete the necessary process for the annual review cycle for EHCP’s and learners are involved in the Annual SEND Review meeting so they can provide feedback on their education and progress.

SEND Newsletters

SEND Update for Parents and Carers in Cornwall
Welcome to our latest SEND Update for Parents and Carers of children and young people with SEND in Cornwall.